Monday, March 30, 2015

"i'm gonna be in vegas - why can't you meet me?"

i've known for about 4 years now that something was wrong with me.  

for 24 years, i've had degenerative disk disease of the lumbo-sacral area of my back, and it gets progressively worse.  it has crept up to my cervical spine area as well, and now there are only a few disks in my entire spine that do not have spinal stenosis, spondylosis, arthritis, nerve impingement, herniation and other problems.  that equals pain.  every day.  every hour.  it gets old really quick.  and if i do something stupid, like bend over to pick up a fallen bottle of shampoo the wrong way, i will be in bed for days with it taking me at least a half hour to get up and just go to the bathroom, in extreme excruciating pain. but after 24 years, i've learned to live with it.

but i knew something else was going on recently.

part of the reason i moved to las vegas was to have one of the country's most excellent insurance plans after years of being uninsured.  yeah, when you are self-employed in the porn industry for years, health insurance gets put on the backburner, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.  

but i've been insured again for 2.5 years now!  hallelujah!  and so after countless x-rays. MRIs, MRAs, CT scans, nerve conduction study, sleep studies, EEGs, EKGs, scopes, enough blood draws for blood work to feed a vampire for a month, pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas analysis, hearing studies, balance tests and god/dess knows what else i can't remember, and uncountable visits to ENT, pulmonologists, hearing specialist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, chiropractors, massage therapists, GPs and god/dess knows who else i can't remember, i finally have some answers, although i am sure my insurance company will be glad when i move on, because they have definitely lost tens of thousands of dollars on me!

people think i'm exaggerating when i say my social life has consisted of doctors' visits for the past two years. i haven't been exaggerating.  it's true.  when i'm not shooting, the most action my pussy gets is when i go get swabbed for my STD testing before the shoots. 

but i finally have some answers.  all this shit is not something my brain is making up!!!  i've finally been diagnosed with SOMETHING.  there's a name to this now.  there is stuff i can research now and learn about to FIGHT this.  

i have chronic fatigue syndrome with comorbid fibromyalgia, and a 40-60% likelihood of lupus.  my next round of doctors will be to see a rheumatologist who specializes in lupus to get more answers.

so you may be asking, what do those three diseases do?

here are all the symptoms i personally have:

  • extreme fatigue
  • loss of memory and/or concentration
  • recurring sore throats
  • painful enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits
  • unexplained muscle and joint pain
  • pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
  • headache of a new type, pattern or severity
  • migraine
  • unrefreshing sleep
  • extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
  • occasional insomnia lasting over 40 hours of no sleep
  • depression and anxiety
  • swelling and inflammation 
  • shortness of breath
  • dyspnea on exertion
  • chest pain/tightness
  • hypoxia (blood oxygen saturations less than 90%)
  • confusion
  • word finding difficulties
  • photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light)
  • essential tremor
  • nerve damage 
  • recurring intermittent right facial paralysis
  • impaired balance
  • hair loss
  • peripheral neuropathy
  • orthostatic intolerance
  • low blood pressure
  • and other fun stuff that is not related, like acid reflux disease and whatever else i've forgotten. 
this all may explain why i don't do webcam any more, why i don't escort anymore, and why i probably won't be able to meet someone for drinks if they happen to come into town.

and this probably also explains why i am still single and will probably remain single.  what man would want to put up with all this?  i certainly don't want to!  heh.

but hey, if you are coming into town and want to meet up for drinks, it doesn't hurt to ask.  i might be having a good day and can get out.  

as far as escorting, because it is so difficult to be adequately rested and prepared for a companionship appointment, i will take clients who are comfortable with $400/hr with 50% deposit due 72 hours before our appointment.  if i have to cancel because of illness, the 50% deposit WILL be refunded.

as far as webcamming, i just have no desire and energy to do it anymore and thank you to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU who buys my videos and website membership, because of you, i do not HAVE to do webcam to pay my bills and make it financially every month. 

unfortunately, all these years of illness has taken its toll on me, and i am seriously considering retiring from porn.  but as i learn more and try different alternative methods of treatment (the medical community does not have any cures or remarkable treatments), i'll be able to make a better decision about retiring or not.

in the meantime, i have a treat for you.  

april 2015 marks FIVE YEARS i have been in business partnership with The VP and we are offering you a FREE video to everyone who emails me ( during the month of april specifically requesting the free video.  It will be one of the first videos The VP ever made of me, in celebration of our history of working together.  i hope you like it!



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